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DeatchMarch / Dodentocht 2007
Ok - all preparations are done.

This friday at 7PM about 10.000 people will start the 38th Dodentocht (Deatchmarch) in (and around) Bornem. The goal is to walk 100 kilometers within 24 hours.
This year will be my 3th time, and this year I'm planning to live-blog my experience.
I made some modifications to my blogging software so I have lightweight shortcuts to posting blogs and uploading images and video's from my mobile phone.
If all goes well, I'll be crossing the finishline on Saturday somewhere between 14:00 and 16:00 to recieve that pineapple, the Bornem Abbey beer and that huge feeling of satisfaction that's in store for everyone succeeding.
The ever-present ambiance is super-friendly (webcam !), so if you happen to be in the neighbourhood: don't hesitate to drop by :-)

For people tracking me:
Updates will arrive on this blog (at least until I run out of battery juice) and on twitter.
Or you can track me at the (brand new) website with my number 1226:

Here's the track, which you can download in PDF.

I'm traveling light - as usual - packing only the following things.
  • My shoes :-) most important of all. I'm a big fan of "heavy" shoes because they give me a feeling of indestructibility - a good feeling to have on long walks :-). I have Meindle B/C shoes (Island Pro MFS). I totaly love them!
  • Socks: Bridgedale socks (both liners and outer socks).
    No taping, powders or lotions on my feet! avoid them!
  • a small umbrella: my secret weapon. it only weights 5 gram!
  • a small LED-based flash light. (Most of the walking is during the night)
  • Sports-tape: yes - to be avoided, but still: you never know. same for the ..
  • Compeed second skin plasters. I don't think I'm going to use them ... but again: you never know.
  • Motilium: yep - I'm definitely going to need that: my stomach will hurt more then my feet in the end.
  • aspirine
  • 50 cl of water (supplies on the track are excellent: lots of food and drinks at each post)
  • 3 Snickers (because they don't serve chocolate at the control posts :-) )
  • a nokia 5300 phone (for easy pictures and video upload and because it has a radio) + headphones
  • a dopod 838 pro phone (for typing and better quality pics/vids)
  • my Leatherman Wave pocket knife. very heavy, but for the same mental invincible feeling as my shoes :-) (and also very handy if you have trouble untying your shoe laces :-))
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