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TEDx Brussels 2010
I was not too fond of TEDX Brussels last year.

Their "We're so cool" attitude really bothered me so i was a bit suspicious for the 2010 edition.

I was wrong: The organization was really strong, everybody was very friendly and I was glad to notice much of the arrogance was gone.

TEDx events are hugely hyped and the expectation of seeing something truly amazing is impossibly high.
But was it a disappointment?

No, not at all. With the fast spreading digital media today it's really hard to bring something new, let alone "mind blowing", but still it is really inspiring to hear a focused person speak with passion about a subject he or she is clearly an expert in.

Sebastian Thrun: Star of the day - without any doubt - was SEBASTIAN THRUN who talked about his kick ass achievements in driverless cars, showing some AMAZING footage of the DARPA Challenge race and his robotic-super-team inventions resulting in working driverless cars TODAY.

the other speakers where

sometimes inspiring

Marc Millis: "Pioneers are people, not organizations"

sometimes too commercial

Dambisa Moyo: "If you want to know the solution to this problem: buy my book"

sometimes funny

Marc Luyckx Gishi: "My career as catholic priest went very well, until i met my wife"
"In that time there was still some good thinking at the European top ... in that time ..."
"Me is Frrt ... you is Heing!! ... so .. .go!"

sometimes predictable

Nicholas Negroponte: some things never change: Nicholas Negroponte still is a self absorbed cocky twad, but he's brilliant and an excellent speaker.

sometimes disregardable

Lynne McTaggart: "let's all hold hands and send our positive thoughts to heal this person"

sometimes on autopilot

William E. Kennard: "The goverment will support you blah blah blah, we need structures, blah blah blah Europe USA partnership blah blah blah"

Rik Torfs: Pleasantly surprising was Rik Torfs, who clearly knows exactly how to play an audience and presented a remarkably insightful closing without his usual tacky jokes.

all in all, TEDx was not life-changing but still one of the best ways to spend your day.

What do I take home from it?
"A believe that as long as brilliant people get the change to do their thing, there's still hope for the human race"
So for me, the TEDx vibes clearly worked this time.

The first picture in this post is by Pieter Baert , who made lot's more of great pics.